
Sober living

About Step 9 of the 12 Step Program

By Sober livingNo Comments

living amends big book

The book is well over 400 pages long and contains many chapters. Some chapters are devoted to specific audiences, and others are more general in nature. Letter Two, on the page after Letter One, is an amends letter in which the alcoholic is writing to a former employer to repay money for expenses fiddled steadily over a period of several years. He is writing to the chief accountant, who would not know him.

Big Book ASL – Chapter 3 – More About Alcoholism

However, take care not to use AA jargon (or even worse “psychobabble”). Phrases such as “a day at a time”, “the Big Book”, “pressing buttons”, “hitting your knees”, “on the program”, https://ecosoberhouse.com/ have a certain resonance for those within the fellowship, but to those outside the fellowship are meaningless and pat. It’s important to have a plan in place before we reach out.

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They identified specific kinds of changes that could indicate damaged structures. To document urban areas of Ukraine that were damaged during the war, we worked with remote sensing scientists to analyze changes in satellite radar data from before the war until December 2023. The damage runs into the billions, but the true cost is much higher.

living amends big book

Big Book ASL – Foreword to Third Edition

Any amends should be done through the criminal justice system in accordance with the conscience as with crimes (see below). That is, you what is a living amends can’t push it to the side or avoid it because of embarrassment. The problem is there, and that person is in front of you right now.

  • Amends should be made through the criminal justice system.
  • They may refuse to meet at all or refuse to listen to what you have to say.
  • Parts of Ukraine hundreds of miles apart look like Dresden or London after World War II, or Gaza after half a year of bombardment.
  • Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
  • It follows, then, that Step Nine is a challenging step.
  • Sometimes, the outcome can be uglier and downright disappointing.
  • Videos have surfaced on social media featuring photos of pre-war Marinka with sad music playing in the background.

living amends big book

This time, the Russians bombed the town with aircraft and heavy artillery, causing far greater damage than in 2014. In the spring, the back lanes smelled of fresh flowers. In the fall, workers piled into trucks heading for the collective farms and harvested immense amounts of wheat, afterwards swigging vodka straight from the bottle and dancing in the stubbly fields. The best restaurant in town was Kolos, known for its “Donbas cutlet,” a cut of high-quality pork, breaded and cooked with a hunk of butter. A young Ukrainian woman in Berlin recently opened a photo exhibition on Marinka. Videos have surfaced on social media featuring photos of pre-war Marinka with sad music playing in the background.

The purpose of Step Nine is to acknowledge the harm caused during active addiction and to make it right with the people involved, as much as possible. Even though they have similarities, living amends are different than making amends. While making amends is apologizing, living amends means living a completely new, sober lifestyle, and being committed to that lifestyle for both yourself and those you’ve harmed in the past. It means that you’re not just using your words to show a change, your actions are proving this change as well. Bill W.’s Story and Dr. Bob’s Nightmare and the personal experiences of some alcoholics are detailed as well as the series of solutions which evolved to become the twelve-step program.

Recovery Stories

  • Generally speaking, people work through the Steps of Alcohol Anonymous with an addiction treatment counselor and/or sponsor.
  • I am very sorry for stealing money out of your desk in order to fund my drug habit last year.
  • They miss the opportunity to be truly reflective about how your wrongdoings have impacted the other person and can be misread.
  • “Ben needs to start liking himself – just the way he is.

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  • The Northeast in particular will swelter through the weekend from the same hot spell that has already baked the Great Lakes region.
  • “Ben’s love for music and his band wasn’t in the book, but I knew he needed something else in his life.
  • So it should be clear that we are doing it because AA has suggested that it is the right thing to do in order to get over our drinking.