
poetry book

poem about love at first sight

Poems about Love at First Sight by Cheryl Schindler

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The concept of “Love at First Sight” holds a special place in our collective imagination, symbolizing the enchantment of instantaneous connections. Crushes can blossom in various scenarios, whether it’s the intriguing stranger at the grocery store or the captivating fellow traveler on a flight. These poems about love at first sight resonate with hearts at any stage of the romantic journey, whether you are happily married or navigating the single life. We all yearn for the kind of romantic love instilled in us from an early age, often holding onto the hope that we might encounter our soulmate in a moment of unexpected magic. Poetry about love at first sight has a unique ability to evoke emotions and sensations, making it a beautiful lens to explore themes of love and loss. Naturally, exploring the themes of love at first sight can be enriched by delving into the best modern poetry books. Gifted poets can articulate feelings in ways that transport readers to uncharted emotional territories, enriching our understanding of love.

If you find yourself contemplating the possibility of love at first sight, these poems offer a poignant exploration. Regardless of your current romantic status, let these verses touch your heart and kindle the spirit of love within.

Poems about Love at First Sight

While the unromantic may find these verses a tad corny, those who embrace the magic of love will be enchanted by the sentiments expressed. Whether you have experienced love in an instant. Believe in the serendipity of love finding us unexpectedly, these poems will surely resonate.

#1 I Love You by Sara Teasdale

Sara Teasdale’s poem, though not explicitly about love at first sight, seems to convey a sense of enduring love beyond the bounds of life. The verses touch on both tragedy and hope, suggesting that love persists even after death. Despite some conflicting emotions, Teasdale’s words beautifully capture the complexity of love. It’s worth noting that Teasdale’s life ended tragically in 1933 when she took her own life while battling pneumonia.

#2 Love at First Sight by Wislawa Szymborska

Wislawa Szymborska, a Polish poet and Nobel Prize winner, presents a unique perspective on love at first sight in her poem. She challenges the idea by highlighting the role of fate and chance in love affairs and life. The poem explores how belief in a single, miraculous moment can overshadow the many events that lead to love. Szymborska invites readers to reconsider the concept of love at first sight, find new meaning in the ordinary events that shape our lives.

#3 Hey You by Adrian Blevins

Adrian Blevins’ poem “Hey You” artfully intertwines themes of longing and self worth. The speaker’s perception of someone they find “beautiful” is accompanied by a poignant sense of unworthiness, creating a delicate dance of admiration and self-doubt. Blevins employs vivid imagery and a distinctive narrative style to convey the complexity of the speaker’s emotions. The poem serves as a reflection on the universal struggle to reconcile personal worth. In the presence of perceived beauty, inviting readers to empathize with the intricate web of emotions woven throughout the verses. Through this exploration, Blevins crafts a nuanced portrayal of the human experience. Where the yearning for connection is intricately linked with the delicate balance of self-esteem. “Hey You” stands as a compelling addition to the realm of self worth poems, offering a unique perspective on the challenges of self-evaluation amidst the allure of beauty.

#4 Heart to Heart by Rita Frances Dove

Rita Frances Dove’s “Heart to Heart” challenges common misconceptions about the symbol of the heart in love. The poem elegantly refutes the idea that the heart is red, sweet, or expressive. Dove emphasizes that the heart, as a bodily organ, simply beats in every individual, devoid of inherent emotions or sentiments. The verses offer a refreshing perspective on the universal symbol of love.

further want to read about the best poems about nature to immerse yourself.


Did these poems about love at first sight evoke emotions in you? Share your thoughts in our Poetry Community. Each line in these poems provides a glimpse into the intricacies of the heart. Calling for an acceptance of the wonders of love. Cheryl Schindler’s poetry book, “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being,” is recommended for novices. Offering a poetic journey that inspires appreciation for life’s beauty and the people who make it meaningful. Dive into the poetic power of language with this captivating collection.

Stay Strong Poems

Stay Strong Poems by Famous Authors

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Poetry, the language of the heart and soul, has an unmatched ability to reflect the deepest corners of our being. Historically celebrated poets have gifted us with verses that encapsulate profound emotions and thoughts, offering solace and inspiration in times of adversity. In this comprehensive exploration of Stay Strong Poems by Famous Authors, we will delve into the essence of resilience, hope, and strength as conveyed by some of the greatest literary figures of all time in poetry anthology books.

#1 Sir Edward Dyer – ‘My Mind to Me a Kingdom Is’

Sir Edward Dyer’s poem, ‘My Mind to Me a Kingdom Is,’ is a monument to the profound strength that lies within one’s own thoughts and imagination. In the face of adversity, the mind becomes a sanctuary, a kingdom where one can find solace and resilience. Dyer’s eloquent verses beautifully epitomize the concept of inner strength, chiming smoothly with the theme of staying strong in the face of life’s trials and tribulations.

#2 Walt Whitman – ‘Song of Myself’

Walt Whitman’s ‘Song of Myself’ stands as a great artwork that celebrates the individual’s inner strength and uniqueness. It speaks to the idea that we should wholeheartedly accept our true selves and find strength in our identity. Whitman’s powerful words inspire us to stay strong by being authentic and unapologetically ourselves. This sentiment echoes the profound message conveyed by Cheryl Schindler’s work, emphasizing the importance of accepting one’s inner essence.

#3 Emily Dickinson – ‘“Hope” Is the Thing with Feathers’

Emily Dickinson’s poem, ‘“Hope” Is the Thing with Feathers,’ is a delicate yet powerful portrayal of hope as an unrelenting force that resides intensely within us. Just as Cheryl Schindler explores the concept of inner light in ‘The Ultra Violet of Being,’ Dickinson’s timeless verses remind us that hope is a signal capable of guiding us through even the darkest times. It is, without a doubt, one of the wisest stay-strong poems in the literary canon.

#4 Rudyard Kipling – ‘If—’

Rudyard Kipling’s ‘If—’ is an eternal classic that imparts invaluable life lessons. This poem guides staying strong in the face of adversity, emphasizing the importance of perseverance, courage, and constant determination. Kipling’s words encourage us to hold our heads high, even when all seems lost, mirroring the resilience depicted in Schindler’s achievement, ‘The Ultra Violet of Being.’

#5 Max Ehrmann – ‘Desiderata’

Max Ehrmann’s ‘Desiderata’ serves as a soothing balm for the soul, offering wisdom and serenity in turbulent times. It reminds us of the importance of inner peace and the strength that can be found in tranquility. In a world filled with chaos, ‘Desiderata’ encourages us to stay strong by raising our inner calm, much like the central theme of inner peace and serenity explored by Cheryl Schindler in ‘The Ultra Violet of Being.’

#6 Langston Hughes – ‘Dreams’

In his poem ‘Dreams,’ Langston Hughes tells us that holding onto our dreams and aspirations can provide the strength needed to endure hardships. Dreams act as a driving force, sparking our spirit and propelling us forward despite seemingly insurmountable challenges. In these stay strong poems, Hughes’s words remind us of the power of our ambitions, similar to Schindler’s reflection on the thorough significance of human dreams in ‘The Ultra Violet of Being.’

#7 Philip Larkin – ‘Coming’

Philip Larkin’s ‘Coming’ delves into the complexities of human existence and the strength it takes to confront the unknown. The poem probes the idea that staying strong often requires facing the uncertainties of life head-on. Larkin’s work peal with Cheryl Schindler’s work of confronting the enigmatic aspects of our existence in ‘The Ultra Violet of Being.’ Further highlighting the aspiring theme of inner resilience.

#8 Sylvia Plath – ‘Ariel’

Sylvia Plath’s ‘Ariel’ is a raw and intense expression of inner turmoil and strength. Plath’s poem takes us into the depths of the human psyche. Reflecting the struggles and resilience that can be found within. In her work, we see the embodiment of staying strong. Even when grappling with heavy inner conflicts. Mirroring the themes of inner struggle explored by Cheryl Schindler in ‘The Ultra Violet of Being.’

#9 Maya Angelou – ‘Phenomenal Woman’

Maya Angelou’s ‘Phenomenal Woman’ celebrates self-confidence and flexibility. The poem exudes a powerful aura of strength, asserting that one’s presence and self-assuredness can be a source of empowerment. Angelou’s words inspire us to stay strong by accepting our uniqueness, echoing Schindler’s theme of the extraordinary nature of human existence in ‘The Ultra Violet of Being.’

Also want to know about famous poem writers

Comparing the Stay Strong Poems to ‘The Ultra Violet of Being’

In Cheryl Schindler’s ‘The Ultra Violet of Being,’ the exploration of inner strength, bravery. The essence of human existence takes center stage. Like the stay strong poems by famous authors. Schindler’s Book involves the core of what it means to endure and thrive in the face of adversity. While each poet uniquely approaches the theme. They share the common thread of celebrating the indomitable human spirit’s ability to persevere and shine even in the darkest times.


The stay strong poems by famous authors are a testament to the enduring nature of human strength and patience. These poets have left an indelible mark on literature by arresting. The essence of staying strong in the face of life’s challenges. From finding solace within one’s mind to accepting authenticity, rising hope, and confronting inner strength. These poems offer diverse insights into the human experience.

Moreover, when compared to Cheryl Schindler’s thought-provoking work, ‘The Ultra Violet of Being.’ We discover that the themes of inner strength are universal and eternal. whether expressed through love poetry books or prose. These writers remind us that staying strong is not merely a choice. Also a significant reflection of the human spirit’s ability to endure and thrive. As we navigate life’s journey, we can find inspiration in the words of these remarkable poets and writers. We knowing that too, possess the strength to live peacefully, drawing from the wellspring of human power that runs through the heart of every individual.

Famous Poets of All Time

5 Famous Poets of All Time by Famous Authors

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Poetry and Poets

Poetry is a timeless literary form, tracing its roots to some of the oldest documents ever discovered by archaeologists. Famous poets of all time are often hailed for pushing the envelope of what is evident, crafting exquisite, occasionally rhythmic pieces with the intention of transporting the reader to a wonderful place through their words. Poetry, synonymous with literary expression, has always existed; the oldest known poems are said to have been drawn from folk tunes. Generally speaking, a poem’s rhythm, irony, symbolism, intricacy, rhyme scheme, and poetry comprehension describe it.

From ancient times to the present, poetry has been one of the most popular forms of expression. Well-known poets like Pablo Neruda, Maya Angelou, and Robert Frost appeared to find inspiration in everything, from the delights of the New England shore to the horrors of bigotry and war. The works of these authors still pique our curiosity hundreds of years after they were published.

Over the ages, poetry has undergone constant modifications. However, these well-known poets, celebrated as famous poets of all time, remain influential across eras due to their distinctive styles and significant contributions to the poetic art. Join us as we delve into the works of these literary giants, exploring their most well-known poems and unraveling the timeless impact they have left on the world of poetry.

Explore a captivating collection of poetry books about nature, each beautifully celebrating the wonders of the natural world through the eloquent verses of talented poets.

Famous Poets of All Time

William Shakespeare (1564-1616)

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Even though he might not require an introduction, we can’t really leave him out, can we? Shakespeare’s plays overflow with poetry. Even without this, his poems stand among the finest ever written. Shakespeare explored Elizabethan poetry traditions, addressing timeless themes—life and death, youth versus age, love and hate, fate and free will. The result was a body of work important for its ambiguities and profundities, as much as its poetic richness. Not confined to sonnets, other poems like the ‘Rape of Lucrece’ and the 1200-line masterpiece ‘Venus and Adonis,’ written in 1593, exemplify this.

Interestingly, though, there haven’t been many musical adaptations of his poems—at least not by classical composers. Robert Hollingworth, the director of the vocal ensemble I Fagiolini, is one composer who has entered the fray. The lirone, theorbo, viol, cornett, sackbut, and shawm, among other genuine early 17th-century instruments, were used in their 2012 album “Shakespeare: The Sonnets,” which paid homage to the Bard’s era.

Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892)

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Alfred Lord Tennyson, the author of many literary classics, including “The Lady of Shalott” and “The Charge of the Light Brigade,” is regarded as the founding father of Victorian poetry. He was born in 1809 into a modestly landed family, began composing poetry at an early age, and succeeded William Wordsworth as Poet Laureate in 1850, remained in that role for more than 40 years until his death. He produced a tremendous quantity of poetry at that time, adopting a variety of poetic forms and addressing subjects that were as diverse as mythology, science, religion, and country living. But Tennyson’s sense of melody was one thing that all of his works had in common, which helps to explain why so many composers have attempted to set it, including Charles Stanford, Olivier Messiaen, and Charles Ives.

T.S Eliot (1888-1965)

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A poetic luminary, Thomas Stearns Eliot, left an enduring impact despite emitting less verse than Tennyson. An Anglo-American poet reflected on the deliberate scarcity of his work, emphasizing each piece’s significance. Eliot’s magnum opus, ‘The Waste Land,’ epitomizes modernist poetry’s essence. His expansive poems, reminiscent of symphonies, explore post-World War One disillusionment and personal challenges. This includes trials with his first wife, Vivienne Haigh-Wood Eliot, and early health woes. Amidst this melancholy, ‘Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats’ stands out—a collection of playful feline psychology poems. These became the foundation for Andrew Lloyd Webber’s renowned musical, ‘Cats.’ In Eliot’s oeuvre, every poem emerges as a distinctive event, contributing to a legacy built on quality over quantity.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)

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Even though Emily Dickinson (pictured) is one of the most well-known individuals in American poetry and produced a great deal, only ten of her over 1800 poems were published during her lifetime. Dickinson’s reputation as a gardener was even greater than that of a poet, according to one academic. This could be attributed to her experimental approach: disobeying the conventions of rhyme, versification, and even syntax. She might have been hesitant to have her writing altered to conform to a traditional poetry form. It’s also possible that she didn’t want to change her writing to make it easier to read. If this is the case, she made a wise decision because Dickinson was highly skilled at using ambiguity, which contributes greatly to her popularity today despite hordes of academics debating the meaning of every sentence she ever wrote.

Ted Hughes (1930-1998)

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Ted Hughes, who was long despised for his alleged role in pushing his wife Sylvia Plath to commit suicide. Never lived to witness the full restoration of his reputation. However, things have shifted in his favor in the years after his passing in 1998. In spite of all the controversy, the former Poet Laureate is consistently regarded. As one of the greatest writers of the 20th century. His style has an elemental force that is most apparent in poems like “Hawk Roosting” and “Jaguar.” Earning him the moniker “Heathcliff” and “The Incredible Hulk of English literature.” His poetry is emotionally gripping and lends itself easily to musical interpretation. Still, surprisingly, few composers have taken use of this fact—one such composer is Sally Beamish. Who took inspiration for her Cello Concerto No. 1 from Hughes’s “River” poems.


Above mentioned are the best poets of all time. Through their works and poetic contributions, these poets have emphasized the importance of the world of literature. The readers are invited to experience the distinctive human expressions.

Furthermore, in contrast to the provocative work “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being by Cheryl Schindler. We find that the ideas of inner strength are timeless and universal. These renowned authors, masters of both prose and poetry, stand as a compelling testament. A reminder that maintaining strength is not merely a decision. But also a vital expression of the human spirit’s capacity for survival and flourishing. We may draw strength from the wellspring of human power that flows through every person’s heart to live happily. As we traverse life’s path, we can find inspiration in the words of these extraordinary famous poets of all time and writers.

Poetry Books About Life

10 Affordable Poetry Books About Life

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Poetry is love, as it makes you delve inside its beauty. Poetry itself is a vessel of emotions, love, and kindness, which not only attracts the readers but is also meant to influence their hearts. It would be very difficult to explain why people are fond of poetry, as each one of us has different aspects related to poetries.

I have the capacity to fulfill modest aspirations.
I can narrate an expansive tale, one that remains untold.
I am capable of presenting both beauty and ugliness in tandem.
There would be strange and intricate plots
or simple ones peopled by intricate characters.

Cheryl Shindler

Poetry has a different language that directly touches your soul. Furthermore, remember that poetry without any emotions and imagination is meaningless.

#1 Are there poetry books about life?

Yes, there are poetry books about life. Poetry can be a great source of comfort and give you inner peace. For instance, if you are in prison with your trauma or grief, then poetries are a powerful combination of words that helps an individual to express themselves in a better way.

#2 What emotions does poetry make you feel?

How does poetry affect your emotions? Doesn’t it seem a bit weird? But it actually happens. People’s simulations of themselves enable them to know that they are engaged with a poem, and an aesthetic emotion can occur as a result.

#3 Can reading poetry change your life?

As we have discussed above, reading poetry books about life can make you feel good and can give you inner peace. But can it really change your entire life? Then the answer is yes, poetry books have the power to change someone’s life from scratch. Consistently reading poetry can be a powerful way to effectively control your fear, establishing a strong hold on anxieties and old memories that might otherwise make you feel sad. Poetries are the creative way of living a unique life.

#4 What comes to your mind with the word poetry

I don’t know about yours, But the first letter that comes to my mind is a companion. Everyone has their own thoughts. Poetry is like an open canvas, where the author can paint their words, and those words become someone’s world! Moreover, poetry is a sound, a rhythm that your heart wants to listen to again and again, the music that you never get rid of.

Explore these captivating poetry anthology books that have been discovered or read about.

Here is the list of 10 affordable poetry books about life

Poetry is great at asking questions, you know how, because it makes you look at things differently, so here is the list of 10 affordable poetry books about life.

#1 Life: Poems To Help Navigate Life’s Many Twists & And Turns by Donna Ashworth

A book by Donna Ashworth, Life: Poems to Help Navigate Life’s many twists and turns, conveys a beautiful message about human life. Each word of this poetry book describes the emotions that an individual faces. Therefore, if this type of book fascinates you, then read “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being” by Cheryl Schindler.

#2 Ten Poems for Difficult Times by Roger Housden

A book by Roger Housden, Ten Poems for Difficult Times, has shown as an impeccable poetry book, which discusses poetries that strike at the core of the reader’s heart. Are you a fan of this type of book? Then, “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being” by Cheryl Schindler is a perfect read.

#3 The Borderline Between Life and Poetry by Mr. A. S. Minor Jr

In his book, “The Borderline Between Life and Poetry,” Mr. A.S. Minor Jr. guides the reader through chaotic emotion. It uses empathy and sympathy through the written word to describe for others the same thing that we all deal with. “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being” by Cheryl Schindler is a perfect read for those who are looking for a book that can heal their traumas.

#4 Rhythm of Life: An Anthology of Modern Poetry by Roselle Thompson

A book by Roselle Thompson, Rhythm of Life, is a collection of poems that can take an individual on a spiritual journey, exploring different experiences, moods, and everyday life moments. Life is tough but beautiful at the same moment. Do read “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being” by Cheryl Schindler to experience more about life.

#5 When I Grow Up I Want to Be a List of Further Possibilities by Chen Chen

A book by Chen Chen, When I Grow Up, I Want To Be A List Of Further Possibilities, is a book that holds all accountable. This collection fully embraces the loss, grief, and abundant joy that come with charting one’s own path in identity, life, and love. Therefore, immerse yourself in this incredible book by Cheryl Schindler. Specifically, her work titled “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being

#6 The Essential Rumi by Jalal al-Din Rumi

Through his lyrical translations, Coleman Barks has been instrumental in bringing this exquisite literature to a remarkably wide range of readers, thereby making the ecstatic, spiritual poetry of thirteenth-century accessible and appreciated by a broader audience. Sufi Mystic Rumi more popular than ever. If you are fond of reading nature love, then “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being” by Cheryl Schindler is all you are looking for.

#7 Bone Fires by Mark Jarman

A book by Mark Jerman, Bone Fires, is a collection of poems that explore faith in its many manifestations, but there is something here transcendent that speaks to everyone. If you are looking for a book that is all about faith, then “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being” by Cheryl Schindler is a perfect go.

#8 Ten Poems to Last a Lifetime by Roger Housden

A book by Roger Housden, Ten Poems to Change Your Life, Ten Poems to Last a Lifetime, focuses on what it means to be truly human.—the things that really matter when the chips are down. Satisfaction and self-love are very important. If you are looking for this type of book, then “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being” by Cheryl Schindler is all you need.

#9 Home by Whitney Hanson

Home is a lyrical map to navigating heartbreak. Tracing the stages of healing—from the despair that comes with the end of a relationship to the eventual light and liberation that comes with time.If you are also grappling with heartbreaks and yearn for a respite from life, then “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being” by Cheryl Schindler has you covered.

#10 Harmony by Whitney Hanson

As life becomes more complicated and complex, inevitably, we find that loss, grief, and heartache can muffle our music. Making the world go silent. If this book sounds interesting to you, then read “Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being” by Cheryl Schindler. It is poetry that will comfort you and will offer you inner peace.

Explore modern poetry books and enjoy the enchantment within.


Poetry has the power to capture and communicate a message like no other form of art. Moreover, a poem can speak to important issues that all human beings care about, such as love, loss, inspiration, and so much more. It will inspire you to appreciate the beauty of life and the people who make it worthwhile.

About the Book

Each verse is a window into the heart, inviting you to experience the magic of love. Whether you’re just embarking on your journey or have been in love for years. This is the best poetry book for beginners by Cheryl Schindler. It will inspire you to appreciate the beauty of life and the people who make it worthwhile. Therefore, read ‘Ikigai, The Ultra Violet of Being’ and experience the beauty of words by yourself.

how to recognize a poem when you see one

How to Recognize a Poem When You See One?

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Poetry possesses a unique and ethereal quality that sets it apart from other forms of written expression in literature. How to recognize a poem when you see one is an art worth looking for, as it allows you to get into the rich thoughts, emotions, ideas, and imagery provoked by the poets.

Understanding the Essence of Poetry

Poetry is a language of the heart and soul, a recondite expression of human emotions and experiences. To recognize a poem, you must first grasp its fundamental characteristics, especially in the realm of nature love poems.

#1 Emotional Depth

A poem often conveys intense emotions, whether love, sorrow, joy, or anger. These emotions are typically expressed through carefully chosen words and crystal-clear imagery.

#2 Metaphorical Language

Poets frequently employ metaphors and similes to convey abstract ideas or feelings. This keen use of figurative language can be a strong indicator of poetry.

#3 Line Breaks and Stanzas

Unlike prose, poetry often features distinct line breaks and stanza structures. These breaks are intentionally placed to create rhythm and emphasis.

#4 Analyzing the Wordsmith’s Creation

To recognize a poem effectively, you need to analyze the wordsmith’s work, which involves paying keen attention to the tiny details in implementing literary devices and techniques.

#5 Rhyme and Meter

Many poems incorporate rhyme schemes and specific meters, such as iambic pentameter. We need to recognize these patterns that can drastically help identify a poem.

#6 Alliteration and Assonance

Poets may use alliteration (repetition of initial constant sounds) and assonance (repetition of vowel sounds) to enhance the musicality of their work.

#7 Symbolism

Symbolic language is a hallmark of the poetry in the literature world. Symbols can be anything: objects, actions, or even words that possess the ability to represent deeper abstract concepts.

#8 Imagery and Evocative Language

One of the most attractive aspects of poetry is its ability to paint intense pictures by uttering words when trying to recognize a poem for visual imagery. Poets often create visual images through their descriptive language sense. These images can transport you to different times and places while evoking the strong emotions you behold.

#9 Sensory Details

The poetry hassle allows you to pledge your overall sense. However, a poem may describe what is seen and express what is felt, heard, smelled, and tested.

Comparing your poetry to other written forms

It can be challenging to distinguish your poetry from prose, essays, or other written artworks, making it an essential endeavor. Understanding the unique characteristics of poetry is valuable, but it’s equally crucial to discern what sets prose apart. Explore the basic yet meaningful properties of each, with a special focus on the intricacies found in the realm of the best modern poetry.

#1 Line Length

You must have seen that poetry often has shorter lines compared to prose. However, the lines may vary depending on the length required to create rhythm and emphasis.

#2 Compact Language

Poems are usually considered an economic form of writing, as they contain a lot of meaning in a short package of words. Nonetheless, every word is chosen deliberately to stand meaningfully in its way.

#3 Emotional Impact

Apart from the aspects mentioned above, poetry’s emotional impact is usually stronger and more concentrated than prose’s. It makes you feel each of its essence deeply.

The Influence of Culture and Time

Poetry is not a static art form; it evolves and is shaped by culture and society. Recognizing a poem must also consider the cultural and temporal context.

Different cultures have their poetic traditions and forms. Familiarizing yourself with these can help you identify poetry specific to a particular culture.

Poetry often reflects its time’s prevailing social, political, and cultural norms. When you understand the historical context, it can provide you with valuable clues.

Contemporary Poetry and Its Challenges

In today’s digital era, poetry transcends traditional prints. Recognizing a poem spans various mediums. Poets explore digital realms, infusing visuals, audio, and interactive elements into their creations. While unconventional, these expressions are still poems. Live poetry performances captivate audiences through spoken word and body language, evoking powerful emotions. While we’ve outlined objective criteria to identify poems, intuition plays a role. Sometimes, a piece may not meet all criteria but resonates as poetry. Trust your instincts; if it feels like poetry, it likely is. Beyond academic analysis, poetry is an exploration of joy. It invites unique engagement with language and emotions, encouraging us to perceive the world through a distinct lens, illuminated by “The Ultra Violet of Being.” This influence extends into diverse genres, including social emotional books.


Cheryl Schindler’s “The Ultra Violet of Being” offers better and unique perspectives on poetry. While this phrase may not be widely recognized, it adds more depth to our discussion. If we compare the aspect of poetry with Schindler’s “The Ultra Violet of Being,” we look at poetry through a lens of heightened perception, like experiencing the world through a different vision.

Recognizing a poem when you see one involves attuning yourself to the nuances of language, emotions, and multiple artistic expressions. It’s about accepting “The Ultra Violet of Being” as a means to explore the depths of human experience through the beauty of words. In all its diversity, poetry remains a profound and ever-evolving art form.

As Cheryl Schindler’s metaphorical “The Ultra Violet of Being” suggests, poetry offers a different perspective and a heightened sense of existence. So, the next time you encounter a piece of writing that seems to rumble with your thoughts on a deeper level, take a closer look at it. It may just be a poem inviting you to step into the radiant world of emotions and imagination that poetry encompasses. How to recognize a poem when you see one is not just an intellectual pursuit; it’s an invitation to experience the extraordinary within the ordinary.

Poems about nature and love

Poems About Nature and Love By Cheryl Schindler

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Poetry has always been the mirror to our deepest emotions, reflecting the beauty of nature and the complexities of love. These two are the most compatible themes that have constrained numerous poets to generate verses that chime across generations. In this exploration of “Poems About Nature and Love,” we will sink ourselves into renowned poets and authors’ works and go deeper into their poetic expressions.

  1. “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost

the road not taken

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In Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken,” readers are transported to a profuse, mysterious forest with a traveler at its heart. Frost deftly paints a striking picture of two conflicting paths, each symbolizing the choices we face in life. The description of the “Yellow Wood” and the “Undergrowth” adds texture to the setting, and the personification of the paths allows us to connect with them emotionally. Nature’s beauty, with its “Leaves no step had trodden black,” serves as a serene but powerful backdrop. We feel the weight of the decision as the speaker reflects on which path to take, mirroring the themes of self-exploration and life’s wandering journeys found in “The Ultra Violet of Being” by Cheryl Schindler.


  1. “She Walks in Beauty” by Lord Byron

She Walks in Beauty

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Lord Byron’s “She Walks in Beauty” is a lyrical tribute to feminine allure. The poem mesmerizes with its opulent descriptions of a woman’s physical and inner beauty. Byron’s words call forth the image of the beloved moving gracefully between the stars and night, her beauty cognate to the “Cloudless Climes and Starry Skies.” This clear portrayal mirrors the emotional depths explored in good modern poetry like “The Ultra Violet of Being” and arrests the essence of a woman’s elegance.


  1. “A Red, Red Rose” by Robert Burns

A Red, Red Rose

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In “A Red, Red Rose,” Robert Burns’ verse is an exquisite ode to the everlasting nature of love. Burns uses powerful metaphors, comparing love to a “red, red rose” and a “melodie.” These comparisons convey the depth of emotion and the enduring sweetness of love. The poem sets a profound impact betwixt the themes probed in “The Ultra Violet of Being.” Burns’ evocative language makes the reader feel the intensity of love’s passion.


  1. “To Autumn” by John Keats

To Autumn

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John Keats’ “To Autumn” monopolizes us in the splendor of the fall season. Through precisely detailed imagery, Keats paints a portrait of autumn’s beauty. The “mists and mellow fruitfulness,” “barred clouds,” and “full-grown lambs” transport us to a serene countryside. The poem’s rich and sensual imagery reflects the reverence for existence found in Cheryl Schindler’s “The Ultra Violet of Being.” Keats’ verses celebrate nature’s bounty in every line.


  1. “Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare

Sonnet 18

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William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18” is a persistent declaration of love’s immortality. In this sonnet, the beloved is likened to a “summer’s day.” The bold description of the beloved’s beauty ensures it will live eternally “in eternal lines.” Shakespeare’s metaphors, comparing the beloved to the “rough winds” and “darling buds of May,” interest our senses and emphasize the timeless nature of love. The poem mirrors the exploration of perpetual themes found in “The Ultra Violet of Being.”


  1. “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud

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“I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth is a sensory-rich exploration of the therapeutic power of nature. Wordsworth’s descriptions of a field of “golden daffodils” dancing in the breeze transport us to a serene lakeside scene. The sheer abundance of daffodils and the joyful description of their “fluttering and dancing” arouse a profound sense of awe and inspiration. This connection between the human spirit and the natural world reflects the themes of introspection and discovery prevalent in post modern poetry like “The Ultra Violet of Being.”


  1. “How Do I Love Thee?” by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

How Do I Love Thee

Available on Amazon

Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s “How Do I Love Thee?” deeply examines the myriad ways love can be expressed. The poem’s structure, with the speaker repeatedly asking, “How do I love thee?” underscores the inexhaustible nature of love. From the “depth and breadth and height” to “soul’s silent tears,” Browning’s detailed list of comparisons paints a comprehensive portrait of love’s boundless dimensions. This poem mirrors Cheryl Schindler’s best modern poetry of self and identity. Browning’s heartfelt words blare deeply with anyone who has contemplated the depths of their own emotions.


  1. “The Sun Rising” by John Donne

John Donne’s metaphysical poem “The Sun Rising” playfully personifies the sun, reprimanding it for daring to interrupt the speaker’s love-filled moments. The descriptions of the sun as a “busy old fool” and the “saucy pedantic wretch” are whimsical and irresistible. Donne’s poem exhibits the universality of love themes across different poetic styles and emphasizes the all-encompassing power of love, a theme that reverberates in contemporary poetry.


  1. “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey” by William Wordsworth

Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey

Available on Amazon

Wordsworth’s “Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey” is an introspective exploration of the healing power of nature. Through detailed descriptions of the abbey’s surroundings, Wordsworth paints a picture of serenity and introspection. The poem wins the speaker’s sense of rejuvenation and introspection as they reconnect with the natural world. It parallels the themes of self-discovery and identity in “The Ultra Violet of Being.” Wordsworth’s verses offer readers an intense window into the connection between humanity and the natural world.


  1. “Wild Geese” by Mary Oliver

Wild Geese

Available on Amazon

Mary Oliver’s “Wild Geese” is a poignant reminder of our deep connection to the natural world and the importance of embracing our authentic selves. The poem encourages readers to release their burdens and find solace in nature. Oliver’s description of the “wild geese” and the invitation to “let the soft animal of your body love what it loves” reflect deeply. These words serve as a gentle yet powerful reminder of the healing power of the natural world, mirroring Cheryl Schindler’s analysis of identity in “The Ultra Violet of Being,” the best modern poetry so far.


As we journey through these timeless poems about nature and love. We dig up the intricacies that make each one a paragon. From the exuberant descriptions of nature’s beauty in Byron and Keats to the heartfelt voyage of love’s dimensions in Browning and Donne. Good modern poetry continues to be a channel for deep human emotions and observations.

Ikigai: The Ultra Violet of Being” by Cheryl Schindler Author, a post-modern poetry. Impeccably continues this tradition by pitching into self-discovery and identity. Within its verses, readers can find sonority with the constant themes of poems about love and nature that have gratified poets for centuries. In the dimension of poetry. The themes poems of nature and love remain as relevant and poignant as ever, connecting generations of poets.

Modern Poetry Anthology

Unique Modern Poetry Anthology By Cheryl Schindler

By poetry bookNo Comments


Finding solace can be challenging in today’s fast-paced world, where technology often dominates our lives. However, art has always been a medium to connect with our emotions and find meaning amidst the chaos. Cheryl Schindler’s unique modern poetry anthology offers a breath of fresh air, allowing readers to dive into the depths of emotions, thoughts, and experiences conveyed through captivating verses.

What is a Modern Poetry Anthology?

Poetry Anthology

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A modern poetry anthology is a curated collection of contemporary poems in a single volume. It features diverse poets expressing their unique styles and themes, departing from traditional forms. Modern poetry embraces experimentation, free verse, and a direct, personal expression of emotions and experiences. Themes range from love and nature to social issues and the human condition. Anthologies are crucial in promoting and preserving modern poetry, providing a platform for poets to reach a wider audience. They offer readers a chance to explore different voices and themes, gaining a deeper understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary poetry.

  1. The Journey of Cheryl Schindler: A Modern Poet Extraordinaire

Cheryl Schindler is a luminous figure embodying the intertwining realms of artistry and spirituality. Her existence has been profoundly shaped by an unwavering connection to nature, acting as a guiding force throughout her life’s journey. Hailing from the serene landscapes of Ohio, Cheryl Schindler’s formative years within a small town nurtured a profound affinity for the natural world, fostering intimate bonds with the majesty of trees, the grace of animals, and the ever-shifting elements. This idyllic upbringing serves as the very bedrock from which her creative endeavors spring forth while simultaneously igniting a ceaseless curiosity concerning the interconnectedness of existence itself.


  1. Unraveling the Essence of Modern Poetry

Ikigai The Ultra Violet of Being

At the heart of this anthology lies the exploration of modern life, love, struggles, and aspirations. Cheryl Schindler deftly weaves vivid imagery and evocative metaphors to paint a tapestry of emotions that readers can relate to. Each poem in the anthology reflects the contemporary world, capturing moments that often go unnoticed amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life. Through her verses, Cheryl Schindler unearths the complexities of human emotions, drawing inspiration from both the grand and the mundane. Her poetry often celebrates the beauty of nature, contemplates the mysteries of the universe, and delves into the intricacies of human relationships. With profound insights, she addresses the dilemmas of modern existence, touching upon themes of identity, purpose, and self-discovery.

  1. Themes that Touch the Soul

The poetry anthology book delves into an array of themes that touch the deepest corners of the soul. From the intoxicating euphoria of love’s first bloom to the heart-wrenching agony of farewells, Cheryl Schindler’s verses traverse the emotional spectrum, leaving readers introspecting and contemplating the intricacies of human existence. Her poems about resilience inspire hope in times of adversity, while her contemplative pieces encourage readers to reflect on life’s profound questions. The anthology also carries verses that explore themes of social justice, shedding light on issues that demand attention and change. Cheryl Schindler’s ability to effortlessly shift between themes showcases her versatility as a poet, making each piece a unique experience.

  1. The Power of Poetic Expression

Poetry has always been a powerful means of expression, allowing artists to convey their thoughts and feelings in a way that prose cannot match. Cheryl Schindler’s anthology is a testament to the enduring power of poetry in illuminating the human experience. Through her verses, she empowers readers to find solace in the written word and embrace their own emotions, both joyful and melancholic. The musicality of her verses adds a lyrical quality to her poetry, captivating readers with its rhythm and flow. Cheryl Schindler’s words resonate with the reader, evoking a sense of empathy and connection. The anthology becomes a sanctuary where readers can find comfort in shared experiences, knowing that they are not alone in their triumphs and tribulations.

List of Some Modern Poetry Anthologies

Here are some examples of modern poetry anthologies.

  1. The Penguin Anthology of 20th Century American Poetry,” edited by Rita Dove
  2. The Norton Anthology of Modern and Contemporary Poetry,” edited by Jahan Ramazani, Richard Ellmann, and Robert O’Clair
  3. “The Vintage Book of Contemporary American Poetry,” edited by J.D. McClatchy
  4. “The Best American Poetry Series” is edited by various guest editors annually.
  5. “The Poet’s Companion: A Guide to the Pleasures of Writing Poetry” by Kim Addonizio and Dorianne Laux
  6. Ikigai: The Ultra Violet of Being,” by Chery R Gaudio Schindler
  7. “American Hybrid: A Norton Anthology of New Poetry,” edited by Cole Swensen and David St. John
  8. “The Bloodaxe Book of Contemporary Women Poets,” edited by Jeni Couzyn
  9. “Voices of the Harlem Renaissance,” edited by Nathan Irvin Huggins
  10. “Contemporary Poets” series by St. James Press, edited by Tracy Chevalier (covers individual poets, not an anthology, but a great resource for modern poetry)



Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: Can readers from all walks of life connect with Cheryl Schindler’s modern poetry anthology?

Absolutely! Cheryl Schindler’s verses transcend boundaries and speak to the universal human experience, making them accessible and relatable to readers of diverse backgrounds.

Q2: Are the poems in the anthology interconnected, or can they be enjoyed individually?

While each poem stands on its own, a subtle thread connects them, creating a cohesive and immersive reading experience.

Q3: Does Cheryl Schindler experiment with different poetic forms in her anthology?

Cheryl Schindler showcases her versatility as a poet by experimenting with various forms and structures, adding an extra layer of intrigue to her work.

Q4: Is this modern poetry anthology by Cheryl Schindler suitable for someone new to poetry?

Absolutely! Cheryl Schindler’s poetry is approachable and engaging, making it a perfect starting point for anyone exploring the world of poetry.


Cheryl Schindler’s modern poetry anthology is a literary gem that invites readers on a soul-stirring journey. Her eloquent verses capture the essence of contemporary life, love, and human emotions. This anthology serves as a reminder of the enduring power of poetry to touch hearts, provoke thoughts, and provide solace in an ever-changing world. Whether you are a poetry enthusiast or a newcomer to the genre, this collection promises an enriching and unforgettable reading experience. So, immerse yourself in Cheryl Schindler’s unique world of modern poetry and embark on a transformative literary expedition. Allow her words to wash over you, leaving traces of emotion and introspection long after you turn the final page. Let the magic of Cheryl Schindler’s verses captivate your heart and inspire your soul.

book of modern poetry

Book Of Modern Poetry By Cheryl Schindler

By poetry bookNo Comments


In the realm of literature, poetry has always held a special place, providing an avenue for writers to express their deepest emotions, thoughts, and reflections on life. As an art form, poetry has evolved over the centuries, capturing the essence of human emotions, thoughts, and experiences. In today’s world, the book of modern poetry is a testament to poetic expression’s evolution. This mesmerizing collection of contemporary verses opens a window into the human soul, evoking profound emotions and reflections. In this blog, we will embark on a poetic journey and delve into the captivating allure of modern poetry in “The Ultra Violet Of Being“. For illustration purposes, we’ll take a closer look at the renowned poet Cheryl Schindler’s contribution to this magical world of words.

  1. Cheryl Schindler: The Ultra Violet Of Being

Cheryl Schindler‘s journey as a poet is an inspiring one. Starting with humble beginnings, she found solace in writing as a young girl, using poetry as a medium to express her thoughts and emotions. Over the years, her talent flourished, and she developed a distinct voice in the world of poetry. Her works have been celebrated for their authenticity and raw emotional appeal, making her a sought-after poet in contemporary literary circles.

  1. Understanding the book of modern poetry

Modern Poetry Books opens a gateway to a mesmerizing world of emotions and reflections. Its verses serve as a window into the human soul, delving into the profound depths of love, joy, sorrow, and longing. This collection of contemporary poetry mirrors the complexities of the modern world, addressing pressing issues of social justice, environmental concerns, and the impact of technology on human connections. The fusion of traditional and innovative poetic styles weaves a captivating tapestry of words akin to the enchanting allure found in historical fantasy books.

  1. The Essence of Modern Poetry

Modern Poetry book is a fusion of traditional poetic forms with innovative styles. It transcends the boundaries of conventional verse, embracing a diverse range of techniques, such as metaphors, similes, allegories, and free verse. Each poem within the collection is a unique creation that explores contemporary themes and emotions, inviting readers to connect with the essence of the human experience.

  1. The Brilliance of Cheryl Schindler’s

At the heart of this masterpiece is the brilliance of Cheryl, a seasoned poet known for her unique style and profound insights. With a flair for combining words that resonate deeply, Cheryl’s poetry captivates readers, drawing them into her world of emotions and experiences. Her ability to reflect the complexities of modern life through verse sets her apart as an exceptional modern poet, similar to the captivating allure of ancient historical fiction books.

  1. Exploring Emotions and Society

One of the defining aspects of Cheryl’s Modern Poetry Books is its exploration of emotions and society. Through her poetry, Cheryl dives into the human psyche, unearthing the depths of joy, sorrow, love, and despair. Her verses shed light on societal issues, questioning norms and provoking thought on the world we inhabit, much like the thought-provoking nature of the best historical fiction author.

  1. Themes that Stir the Soul

Cheryl’s poems often reflect on the complexities of love and relationships. She delicately weaves emotions into words, allowing readers to empathize with the joys and heartaches of the human experience. Her exploration of society’s challenges is equally thought-provoking. Cheryl addresses pertinent issues, such as inequality, environmental concerns, and the impact of technology on human connections, urging readers to contemplate the world we live in, much like the captivating nature of a historical fiction book.

  1. A Journey Through Emotions

Each poem in Cheryl’s collection is a unique emotional journey. From the highs of love and joy to the lows of heartbreak and despair, readers find themselves immersed in a rollercoaster of emotions. Cheryl’s ability to evoke such powerful feelings through her words is a testament to her poetic prowess, much like the captivating nature of ancient historical fiction book.

  1. The Enchanting Language of Poetry

Cheryl’s Modern Poetry Book showcases her mastery of language, creating a symphony of words that resonate with the soul. Her verses dance off the pages, painting vivid images in readers’ minds. The use of metaphors, similes, and allegories adds depth to her poetry, captivating readers with her language’s sheer beauty.

Here are the names of some other famous modern poetry books with their authors name:

  1. Milk and Honey” by Rupi Kaur
  2. “The Sun and Her Flowers” by Rupi Kaur
  3. “Citizen: An American Lyric” by Claudia Rankine
  4. “The Poet X” by Elizabeth Acevedo
  5. “Ariel” by Sylvia Plath
  6. “Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman
  7. “The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot
  8. “Love Her Wild” by Atticus Poetry
  9. “The Princess Saves Herself in This One” by Amanda Lovelace
  10. “Blue Horses” by Mary Oliver


Q1. What is the Modern Poetry Book?

The Modern Poetry Book is a collection of contemporary poems curated by various poets and editors. It showcases various themes, styles, and voices from modern poets worldwide.

Q2. Who are some of the notable poets featured in the Book of Modern Poetry?

The book may feature works from renowned poets, emerging talents, and established writers in the contemporary poetry scene. Some editions might include poets like Rupi Kaur, Ocean Vuong, Warsan Shire and others.

Q3. Who is Cheryl Schindler?

Cheryl Schindler is a seasoned poet known for her unique style and profound insights, making her a sought-after contemporary poet.

Q4: What makes Cheryl Schindler’s Modern Poetry unique?

Cheryl Schindler’s Modern Poetry Book stands out for its blend of contemporary themes, innovative style, and profound insights into the human experience.

Q5: Is this book suitable for readers who are not avid poetry enthusiasts?

Absolutely! Cheryl Schindler’s poetic brilliance transcends the boundaries of traditional poetry, making it accessible and enjoyable for readers of all interests.

Q6: What themes does Cheryl Schindler primarily explore in her poetry?

Cheryl Schindler’s poetry delves into a wide range of themes, including love, loss, human emotions, and the complexities of modern life.


Cheryl Schindler’s Book of Modern Poetry is a captivating testament to the power of words and emotions. Through her verses, Cheryl opens a window to the soul, touching readers with her profound insights and contemporary themes. This collection is a beautiful expression of the human experience, making it a must-read for poetry enthusiasts and newcomers alike. As readers immerse themselves in the enchanting world of Cheryl’s poetry. They will find solace, inspiration, and a deeper connection with the complexities of life. Her ability to evoke emotions through words is a true testament to her poetic brilliance. So, embark on this poetic journey and let Cheryl’s verses weave their magic in your heart and mind. Whether you are an avid poetry lover or a newcomer to the world of poetry, Cheryl’s Modern Poetry Book promises an unforgettable experience that will stay with you long after the final page is turned.


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